Video Series: Part 1 – The Weakest Link

The world has gone from an on-premises, highly controlled environment to a highly distributed, broad spectrum of devices. The pandemic has forced years of digital transformation on all of us in just a matter of months as we went from working from offices to working from home overnight.

There was a recent tweet by Rob Joyce, the NSA’s Cybersecurity Director that said, “Attackers put in the time to know the network and devices better than the defenders. That’s how they win.”

The weakest link in our security programs is not whether we have the right tools for our organization. The biggest risk is that we don’t deploy the tools that we own comprehensively across the environment. What good is the EDR solution if you don’t have it deployed across every asset? It doesn’t matter how fast you patch, if you don’t patch every asset. That’s why every security framework starts with an inventory of assets.

Hear Sevco’s co-founder, Greg Fitzgerald discuss this in the first video in our series.

Next week, we’ll talk about why building this inventory of assets is far harder than you realize.

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