Optimizing Your Vulnerability and Exposure Management Strategy Part 4 of 7: Considering Business Context.

In organizations with successful vulnerability and exposure management strategies, security teams are more aligned with business operations, regulatory mandates, and mission-critical processes than ever before. A foundational aspect of a security team’s ability to address this alignment is successfully using business context associations with assets to prioritize and mitigate threats more precisely.

In blog three of this series on vulnerability and exposure management, I discussed transcending CVEs and leveraging environmental variables. Just as these environmental variables add greater context and more exacting prioritization, business context adds a layer of detail to increase the data’s relevance further.

Business context can take several forms. For example, it can include assets associated with critical business operations, systems running essential applications, repositories of financial, customer, and intellectual property, assets governed by regulatory mandates, systems residing in a specific region or cloud, or perhaps assets belonging to executives. While many organizations will share a common philosophy around some business context associations that are most critical for their assets, your organization’s business context will depend on how your specific organization operates and where you determine the inherent risks are highest.

Sometimes, linkages between business context and assets can be discovered in CMDB solutions. However, those solutions can be challenging to maintain and generally only contain a small fraction of the intelligence derived from an asset intelligence solution with vulnerability and exposure management capabilities like Sevco. Sevco integrates with CMDBs and can pull the business context, often tagged to specific IPs, subnets, applications, regions, business units, etc. Sevco also has a native capability to apply the tagging directly within the Sevco platform, which can integrate with and enrich other systems such as CMDBs, ticketing, SIEM, SOAR, etc.

By integrating business context with traditional asset intelligence capabilities and vulnerability and exposure management features, prioritization becomes more robust. It’s not predicated only on technical variables but also on operational and organizational inputs relevant to you. The result is reduced risk and cost through more exacting prioritization and rapid mitigation.

Book a demo and see for yourself https://www.sevcosecurity.com/book-a-demo/

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